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Rashad Center for Cultural Governance is Adyan’s Think-Do-Tank for policymaking and enhancement of cultural governance and diversity management. It is the newest expansion of Adyan’s structure to respond to the work for a better diversity management on the level of political and educational public policies, legislation and affairs.

Since 2017, the center runs a variety of local and international projects that focus on advocacy and policy dialogue dedicated to improve private and public responses to arising challenges in the field.

Through independent field research, sharp policy analysis and direct engagement with decision-makers, the center motivates, informs and enhances strategic debates and policymaking. The center works with youth, women, government representatives and religious authorities.
Under the scope of Inclusive Citizenship, Coexistence, Human Rights and FoRB, Rashad Center partners and collaborates with governments, academic centers, think-tanks, civil society organizations, international non-government organizations and other stakeholders to monitor, mediate and negotiate democratic practices; influence and bring together decision-makers; facilitate dialogue; raise awareness; build political and democratic capacities; and develop policies.

With its three operating tools – Policymaking, Social Data Analysis, and Consultancy – the center strengthens institutional capacity and provides targeted policy recommendations for both private and public sector.

Currently, the center runs projects in Lebanon, Iraq and the United Kingdom.



Experts and Policy Makers


International Participations in 25 Countries




Fadi Badran

Fadi Badran

Projects Manager

Eliza Karam

Eliza Karam

Senior Officer

Rayanne Baydoun

Rayanne Baydoun

Project Officer