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Divine Hospitality French version

Daou, Fadi and Tabbara, Nayla: Divine Hospitality, Christian and Muslim theologies of the other (in French L’Hospitalité divine: L’autre dans le dialogue des théologies chrétienne et musulmane). This book, in French language, presents to readers, Christians, Muslims and others, a clear presentation of the question of religious diversity from a faith-based perspective. In other words, it tries to clarify what Christian faith on the one hand and Muslim faith on the other, say about religious otherness and about the relation between God and a believer from a different religion.

  • Book
  • Lit Verlag
  • 2014
  • Price: $30

Abstract & Findings

Important Findings

This book is not a discourse for the other, with diluted truths to achieve empathy and mutual acceptance, in as much as it is a theological construct targeted first of all at the believer, putting him/her vis-a-vis his/her own belief. Many a times we find that the ignorance that influences negatively relations between religions is ignorance of one’s own belief system.

The challenge presented by this book to the believer is to accept to move forward towards the other, not based on a static religious identity used as a shield but based on a conviction that the spiritual message carried by the other may not be estranged from God’s plan.