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Ave Maria

Randa Abi Aad (Editor): Ave Maria, Christian and Muslim Reflections on the Virgin Mary (Arabic). Lebanon, Saint Paul Publications/Adyan, 2015.

رندى أبي عاد (إشراف): السلام عليك. تفكّر مسيحي إسلامي في السيدة مريم العذراء. لبنان، المكتبة البولسية/أديان، 2015

This book, in Arabic language, is a collective work that gathers reflections on Mary from Muslim and Christian feminine voices. It is presented as a series of academic articles that join serious reflection with a spiritual dimension and offers a multiple understanding founded on the Scripture, Bible, and Qur’an, on symbolism, and on the mystical and anthropological approach to the figure of Mary.

  • Book
  • St Paul Editions/Adyan.
  • 2015
  • Price: 10 USD
  • Order: Can be ordered found in bookstores or ordered from Adyan Foundation
  • Contact: For more information on the order, contact: 

Abstract & Findings


The originality of this collective work is that it is the expression of Lebanese feminine literature which is translated into a dialogue of the arab woman, Christian, and Muslim, with the scriptural and historical figure of Mary. For it is in their double academic and human quality that each author offers here her personal view of Mary.

The Authors

Randa Abi Aad (Editor)Professor of Philosophy at The Holy Spirit university of Kaslik, researcher in philosophical anthropology and mysticism

Rose Abi AadSister of the Saint Therese order, professor of Old Testament and Biblical Hebrew at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik and Saint Joseph University

Najwa Tohme BassilResearcher in Theology, Philosophy and Mysticism

Suad al HakimProfessor of Philosophy and Mysticism at Saint Joseph University, Director of Dandara Research Association.

Clemence HelouSister in the Antonine order. Professor of philosophy and theology.

Rabab Al SadrDirector of Al Sadr Foundations

Luna FarhatProfessor at the Institute of Christian Muslim Studies at Saint Joseph University

Husn AbboudProfessor at Haigazian University, author in Qur’anic Studies, Islamic Studies and Gender Studies.

Nayla TabbaraProfessor of science of religions and Islamic studies.
Director of the Institute of Citizenship and Diversity Management.