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Signing the English version of Divine Hospitality book in Switzerland

By February 14, 2023April 3rd, 2023No Comments

After launching the Divine hospitality book in Arabic, French and German, the authors of the book, Father Fadi Daou and Dr. Nayla Tabbara, signed its English version and discussed their pioneering project in the framework of coexistence and peacebuilding on June 5th at Ecumenical Institute Bossey, Switzerland.

The launching was followed by a discussion with Father Daou, Dr. Tabbara and the translator of the English version Alan J. Amos, led by Clare Amos, the programme executive for Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation at World Council of Churches (WCC).

“Divine Hospitality” aims to show what the Christian and Muslim faiths teach with regard to religious “otherness” and to indicate the relationship which may link the believer of another religion to God.

“This is truly an exceptional book. Fadi Daou and Nayla Tabbara have shown that the teaching of theology is not enough, and that… it is necessary to promote spiritual communion between believers from different religions and to translate theological questions into terms of daily life.” – Jean-Marc Aveline, Institut Catholique de la Méditerrané

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