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Roadmap to Building Citizenship and Good Governance in Iraq 2018 - 2020

Driven by the common national concern and desire to search for a comprehensive vision that could pull Iraq out of its accumulated crises and establish a state of citizenship and good governance, thirty-three (33) political, religious, academic and civil society leaders from across Iraq took part in this frank and purposeful form of “Track II” dialogue. This document is a result of that dialogue process.
The dialogue took place over a period of two years, through four conferences, held between October 2018 and December 2020, with an average of two to three days for each round of dialogue, the last of which was held online because of the health conditions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Iraqi youth participated in this track, and their representatives shared their views on the dialogue’s topics.
The participants identified the dialogue’s topics and the most prominent problems facing the building of the nation and citizenship in Iraq, and contributed to enriching the discussion through introductory interventions, written papers and extensive discussions, before developing a set of appropriate recommendations and policies to achieve the desired change. In addition, the Rashad Center for Cultural Governance offered its expertise in managing dialogue and editing reports in an impartial manner, in cooperation with Iraqi partner institutions in the implementation of the project.

  • Field Study
  • 2018 – 2020