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President Aoun receiving a delegation from Adyan

By February 14, 2023April 3rd, 2023No Comments

A delegation from Adyan Foundation has visited HE the President of the Lebanese Republic Michel Aoun at the Presidential palace in Baabda, to thank HE for giving his patronage to the launching event of the educational manual “The Role of Christianity and Islam in Promoting Citizenship and Living Together”, which will take place on Saturday, May 20th at Hilton Hotel and to present him the manual. The delegation included representatives of the Islamic and Christian spiritual authorities in Lebanon who have worked on developing the manual.

Moreover, the President has praised the work of “Adyan” as it is serving to build this nation. In this context, President Aoun referred to the ongoing efforts of making Lebanon a global center for dialogue as it represents coexistence and pluralism. Aoun stressed the importance of this educational manual as it contains shared human values, which is the foundation for working together to foster citizenship.

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