This research is a joint project between L’Arche Internationale and the Institute of Citizenship and Diversity Management at Adyan. It aims at deepening and articulating the experience of the relationship with people with intellectual disabilities in the light of the Islamic faith and to build this experiential reading on accurate theological bases.

This general objective responds to specific objectives identified by a group called l’Arche and Islam

  • Helping the Muslim assistants in L’Arche in understanding and enriching their life experience with people with intellectual disabilities in the light of the Islamic tradition. This would allow them to verify the coherence of their experience with their faith and give them the opportunity to deepen their faith in the awareness that the relationship with the vulnerable person makes of him/her a better Muslim, and from there, a person contributing to the building of the community of the faithful or in a larger sense, the human community.
  • Helping communities develop means to spiritually nourish their Muslim members (core members, assistants, committee members) through awareness and provision of resources for training and accompaniment.
  • Allow Christians, Muslims, and other members of a mixed community to respond to the questions of their larger community on the legitimacy of their experience.
Arabic VersionFrench Version


Small texts of 3-4 pages and PowerPoint presentations to be used by Arche communities


Life at L’arche through Muslim voices






The research tackles the following themes:

  1. Witnessing our faith through helping and protecting those in desperate need- Amr Saleh
  2. On the leadership of service from a Muslim perspective- Amr Saleh
  3. Perception of man and of Handicap- Nayla Tabbara
  4. On brotherhood and the need for each other- Nayla Tabbara
  5. On religious diversity- Nayla Tabbara
  6. On being a Muslim in a l’Arche community- Nayla Tabbara
  7. On l’Arche as a sign for resilience and social cohesion- Nayla Tabbara


A research group gathering:

  • Muslim theologians: Nayla Tabbara (coordinator of the research), Amr Saleh, Amer al Hafi.
  • Muslim Assistants in L’Arche: Nadia Hakimi, Amira Sharaia, Israfil Miah
  • International Leaders of L’Arche: Patrick Fontaine and Eileen Glass
  • International Envoys of L’Arche: Stanislas Dubourg, Barbara Petska, Michele Dormal
  • Christian Theologians or contributors: Jean-Jacques Pérennès, Kathy Baroody


Life at l’Arche through Muslim Voices

This booklet is the result of meetings of the reflection group “L’Arche and Islam” that took place from 2008 to 2015 in Egypt, India, Bangladesh, Kuwait, Lebanon, and France, led by L’Arche International.
The thematic research has been done in partnership with Adyan Foundation.


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