The Alwan Debate Project is a continuity of Alwan program: Education on Active and Inclusive Citizenship where students will be trained to debate about big questions such as : Identity, Religious Diversity and Common Values, Mutual understanding of Christianity and Islam, Reconciliation and Solidarity, Media literacy against hate speech, Conflict transformation, Richness in Heritage, Freedom of Religion and Belief, Non-violent communication, Faith & Science (Inter-school debate).

It will be implemented as an after-school program in 30 private and public Lebanese schools targeting 15 to 20 students from each school from various cultural and religious backgrounds. The Project will first update the Existing Alwan module and develop customized training modules on debate and data collection techniques with Senior Subject Matters Experts (SMEs). The SMEs will then train 30 educators from the 30 selected schools on the updated curriculum.

Teachers will also animate nine debates, whose objectives are:

1) Bringing youth from various backgrounds together to alleviate the illusion in the perception of others and
2) Exchanging thoughts to foster the youth’s critical thinking and curiosity.
3) Understanding how youth perceive diversity, religion, and plurality.
4) Fostering intellectual humility in students, teachers, and parents.

After completing the training program and the debate sessions, the team will organize an inter-school debate on “Faith & Science”, in addition to a closing event and ceremony.


Citizenship & Peacebuilding, Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Partnerships for the Goals


Public & Private Schools, Students, Educators


2024 – 2025




Impact: Generations of young students in Lebanon grow up to embody and promote respect for others, the importance of having an open mind, and resistance to sectarian attitudes, contributing to greater social cohesion

Outcome 1: Young people who participate in Alwan Junior Grade 3 and/or 4 are empowered to feel comfortable in their religious beliefs and to discuss these with others; demonstrate a shift in attitude from fear of the ‘other’ to appreciation and respect for different faiths and viewpoints; and are empowered to refuse to stand by when acts of discrimination are taking place around them;

Outcome 2: Educators are skilled and empowered to deliver Alwan Junior, via a sustainable online course;

Outcome 3: Young people who participate in Alwan Junior Grade 5 demonstrate a capacity to compare different aspects of different religions; possess analytical skills concerning religions and beliefs; and are empowered to engage positively with persons from other religions and beliefs;

Outcome 4: A larger number of schools/educational centers across Lebanon, including those for Syrian and Palestinian refugees, are aware of the value of the Alwan Junior program.



Mayssam ImadHead of Education Unit

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