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Openings of “Al Moltaqa” and “Charfouna” cultural hubs

By February 14, 2023April 3rd, 2023No Comments

In the framework of the Active Coexistence for Extremism Prevention project (ACEP), 21 youth from Al-Hadatha Association in Berqayel, the local partner of Adyan Foundation in Akkar, held the public opening of “Al Moltaqa” on April 1st. Al Moltaqa is a sustainable space that aims to host dialogue initiatives and meetings for Akkar community especially stakeholders in counter-sectarianism and counter-extremism. The opening was attended by the Akkari local community, several heads of municipalities, and representatives from Civil Society Organizations.

Opening of “Al-Moltaqa” cultural hub in Akkar

Previously, 18 youth from USPEaK, the local partner of Adyan Foundation for this project in Baalback, held the public opening of “Charfouna” cultural hub on March 29th   2017. Charfouna is a friendly and a sustainable space for the youth of Baalback and the neighboring villages to hold events that allow them to express themselves and help them connect with youth from different religions, sects and backgrounds and promote intercultural and interreligious understanding.

The opening included speeches from the director of USPEaK, Ms. Rawan Yaghi, the representative of Baalback Governor, Ms. Zeinab Nasserdine, Head of Baalback Municipal Council – General Hussein Lakis, the Director of The institute of citizenship and diversity management in Adyan Foundation – Dr. Nayla Tabbara and a speech by HMA Hugo Shorter represented by Ms. Sarah Kronfol and several cultural stops such as live dabke, sufi dancing and poetry reciting.

Both, “Al Moltaqa” and “Charfouna” cultural hub are youth led initiatives and supported by the UK Embassy in Lebanon.

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