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Education on Coexistence

This book, in the Arabic language, tackles the question of Education on Diversity in a diverse society such as Lebanon, where it is imperative that educational policies be linked to religious and cultural diversity as well as to citizenship and civic values, so that communal identities do not swallow the national identity.

  • Book
  • St Paul Editions/Adyan.
  • 2012
  • Price: 10 USD
  • Order: Can be ordered found in bookstores or ordered from Adyan Foundation
  • Contact: For more information on the order, contact: 

Abstract & Findings


This book comes thus in the context of a continuous series of workshops and seminars launched by Adyan in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, the Center for Educational Research and Development, federations of privates schools, academics, researchers, representatives of civil society organizations and religious institutions, and includes diverse approaches to the question of education on coexistence, presented within these seminars. The book’s content can thus be considered as presenting foundations for the process of development of educational policies that would build the responsible Lebanese citizen and free Lebanon from communitarian mentalities.

The Authors

Fadi Daou (Editor)Professor of Interreligious dialogue and Geopolitics of religion; Chairperson and CEO of Adyan foundation

Toni SawmaLecturer in Socio-Psychology, founding member of Adyan

Antoine MessarraMember of the Constitutional council, Founder of Lebanese Association for Permanent Civil Peace

Tom FletcherUK Ambassador to Lebanon (2011-2015)

Sami Abi Al MunaGeneral Secretary of Irfan Association, and director of the cultural committee at the Druze Council

Hisham KhalifeDirector of Awqaf at the Dar al Fatwa of Lebanon

Jaafar FadlallahMabarrat Association

Hassan DiabMinister of Education and Higher Education (2011-2014)

Dina KiwanProfessor of Education at AUB

Rafic QattanProfessor at the Faculty of Science, Lebanese University, Member of the board of Wahdatouna Khalasouna

Nayla TabbaraProfessor of Islamic Studies and Science of Religions

Georges DimasSecretary of Antioch Greek Orthodox Patriarchate and Director of Orthodox Schools in Beirut.

Boutros AzarGeneral Secretary of Catholic Schools in Lebanon