Alwan’s module for education on active and inclusive citizenship is the reference book for the animators of Alwan clubs (educators). It is divided into 2 parts the conceptual background and the practical exercises to be implemented over a 2 years period. The first year covers the concepts of religious diversity and partnership with their appropriate exercises. The second year covers the community service concept and project implementation guidelines.
Training Manuals
Education on active and inclusive citizenship
- Arabic
- Adyan
- 2015
- Price: Free for Alwan’s educators
- Order: Delivered only for educators. Not accessible for everyone.
- Contact:
Mayssam Imad – Alwan’s project coordinator
Tel/Fax: +961 1 39 32 11 – Extension: 15
The Authors
Fadi DaouProfessor of Christian theology, interreligious dialogue and Geopolitics of religion.
Karam Abi YazbekLecturer of Social work at the human sciences faculty-St Joseph university.
Mayssam ImadGeographer, researcher on sustainable development, Alwan’s project’s coordinator.
Nayla TabbaraProfessor of science of religions and Islamic studies.
Chady RahmeAssistant Professor of humanities at Notre Dame University. Relational needs’ coach and trainer.