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Training Manuals

Education for Peace and Resilience - 2016

Due to the fact that the actual situation of the Syrian community is encountering internal tensions related to social, cultural, and religious differences, Adyan foundation has worked on the elaboration of an integrated educational manual for peace-building, in collaboration with the University Centre for International Solidarity and Resilience Research Unit at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milan (RiRes) and other experts from Lebanon and Syria. The educational manual is based on a multidisciplinary approach including resilience and psychosocial support, cultural and religious diversity, common values, peace education, and inclusive citizenship.
Its aim was set to strengthen the resilience, internal peace, and relational skills, of the children and educators affected by the crisis resulting from the war. This manual is implemented through 24 interactive learning sessions over an academic year with children aged 6 to 15, by educators who received training sessions and are accompanied by experts in psychology and education on diversity and peace. The manual includes 9 themes: security and its resources, identity, self-acceptance of and openness to the other, understanding emotions, empathy, violence and dealing with conflict, common values, inclusive citizenship of cultural and religious diversity, and children’s rights.
Download the Report - Ar
  • Arabic
  • Adyan Foundation
  • 2016
  • Price: Free of Charge for the educators
    trained by Adyan
  • Order: The toolkit is available at Adyan’s Office, for the trainers who are trained by Adyan
  • Contact: Samah Halwany – Peace Projects Manager

The Authors

Supervised by Prof. Fadi Daou, Produced by a group of experts and coordinated by:

Mr. Joe HaddadSenior trainer in Peace Building and Active Citizenship

Ms. Samah HalwanyPeace projects manager, expert in sociology of conflict and sustainable community development