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Discussing the activation of the Arab youth role

By February 14, 2023April 3rd, 2023No Comments

Adyan Foundation, represented by the Director of the Institute of Citizenship and Diversity Management, Dr. Nayla Tabbara participated in the Seventh Arab Youth Conference: “Education, Creativity, and Investment: Towards a Common Arab Vision”, held under the patronage and participation of HRH Prince El Hassan Bin Talal in …

In a panel entitled: “Youth, Participation and the Culture of Entrepreneurship”, Dr. Tabbara shared the experience of Adyan Foundation in the promotion of citizenship leadership among the Lebanese youth, which targets  27000 young men and women from Lebanon. She concluded that the activation of the youth role is based on four foundations:

– Providing opportunities for young people to play their role as agents of change and progress for their communities and as active citizens on the cultural, environmental, social or political levels.

– Securing a common vision that allows them to restore faith in the future of their countries and trust all the different components of their society

– Ensuring their empowerment through training on the concepts of inclusive citizenship and active citizenship skills, and helping them train their peers.

– Partnership between official institutions, civil society, and the private sector in drawing up sustainable youth plans.

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