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Training Manuals

Arab toolkit for education on intercultural citizenship

The Arab Toolkit for Education on Intercultural Citizenship was elaborated in the framework of a project called “Dawrak” (“your role”), in partnership between Anna Lindh foundation and Adyan foundation.

It is intended for trainers on intercultural citizenship in the ten Arab States that are around or close to the Mediterranean Sea: Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria.

Adyan and Anna Lindh Foundation built a team joining Arab experts in the fields of political, social, cultural, and religious sciences as well as experts in education from Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Tunisia, and Lebanon to work on this toolkit for trainers on intercultural citizenship in the Arab World; a guide emanating from our Arab reality, laying the foundations for intercultural citizenship, and providing a tool for spreading its vision.

  • The toolkit is available in 2 versions, one in English and one in Arabic.
  • Adyan/Anna Lindh Foundation
  • 2014
The Authors

Dr. Nayla Tabbara (Lebanon)- EditorProfessor of Science of Religions and Islamic studies. Expert in education on diversity

Prof. Fadi Daou (Lebanon)Professor of Political Philosophy, Geopolitics of Religions and Interreligious relations

Mr. Salahedin al JourshiPresident of Al-Jahiz Forum for diversity and dialogue, and Editor of “Public Opinion” Online Newspaper

Ms. Ula Al Khatib (Syria)Trainer in Non-formal Education techniques and in psycho-social support.
Expert in educational management and evaluation

Ms. Wafaa Dawoud (Egypt)Lecturer in Political Science at Beni Sueif University, Economics and Political Science Faculty

Prof. Abdel Wahab Ben Hafaiedh (Tunis)President of the Applied Social Studies Forum and Professor of Sociology at Tunis University

Dr. Kamal Naguib al Jundi (Egypt)Professor of education, Alexandria University. Expert in Curriculum, Educational Reform, and Educational Standard Assessment

Mr. Hani Smirat (Palestine)Trainer in Conflict resolution, conflict analysis and Non-violent resistence at TAAWON for Conflict Resolution Palestinian institute