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Adyan Community Day 2018

By February 14, 2023No Comments

Same as every year, Adyan Foundation has organized the annual Community Day, which includes the youth, Ambassadors and Volunteers Networks. Around 200 participants came from Tripoli, Nabatiyeh, Saida, Tire, Bashamoun, Baalbek, Jbeil and Beirut, as well as young men and women from Syria, Yemen, Palestine, France, and Belgium.

The participants started the day by learning about Adyan through booths for different departments, the Institute of Citizenship and Diversity Management, Alwan Program, Rashad Center for Cultural Governance, the Media department, Taadudiya Website, and the Community department.

Then, through groups, participants were introduced in an interactive way to Adyan Values: diversity, solidarity and human dignity. Youth expressed their vision and understanding of these values.

And since the parliamentary elections are coming soon, participants played the “lost voice” game that focused on how to vote on a national basis instead of a sectarian basis.

In the closing ceremony, Adyan networks and various committees were introduced, and then the community outreach coordinator, Nagham Tarhini announced the transition of 7 members from the youth network to the Volunteers network after they moved from undergraduate to practical life.

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