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Adyan at Club de Madrid

By February 14, 2023April 3rd, 2023No Comments

Adyan Foundation represented by Father Fadi Daou attended the MENA Regional Forum, within Preventing Violent Extremism: Leaders telling a Different Story Project, which is held in Tunisia and organized by Club de Madrid (CdM), on May 4-5th.

Father Daou presented a white paper for interreligious collaboration and policy-making in addressing radicalization and violent extremism and shared Adyan’s expertise in this field during the session of National preventing or countering violent extremism (P/CVE) Policy Frameworks, to discuss efforts and mechanisms carried out at the regional and national level towards the implementation of the international (P/CVE) frameworks. The panel focused on the need for an empirical approach to preventing extremism that identifies underlying factors and local attitudes in order to construct meaningful alternative narratives and policy responses.

The Club de Madrid (CdM) is an independent organization, composed of over 100 democratically elected former Heads of State and Government, whose main purpose and priority is to contribute to strengthening democratic values and leadership across the world.

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